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Writer's picturesonnyholmes

Geometry is about shape, size, and position of figures and space. It's a simplism, but angles and lines form the measure of geometric calculations. The angles are usually clean, and the lines specifically clear. It's a departure from relational geometry because humans aren't so distinctly figured and well drawn. Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. But, our relational metrics are often jagged, broken, oddly shaped, and resistant to orderly arrangement. Influence and enlargement of it requires the rendering of angles and lines that permit intersection with others. Our relational geometry must be calibrated by consistent standards that enable convergence.

The tenth chapter of 2 Corinthians is such a paradigm. The apostolic authority of missionary and church planter Paul had been questioned by a party of believers who criticized and doubted him. They questioned his credentials as a genuine eye witness to Christ. Their scrutiny challenged the boldness of his writings as opposed to his meek words when present, his skills as a communicator, and his claims of influence in assignments accomplished by others. Second Corinthians 10 is his response to their harsh criticism. Two verses are the foundation of his thoughts about personal influence. He wrote---

But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of

influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you.

2 Corinthians 10:13, ESV

We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others. But our hope is that as your

faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged.

2 Corinthians 10:15, ESV

Paul hoped that the Corinthians faith would be increased, and as a result, his influence among them be enlarged. It is a profound teaching that should challenge us today. How he arrived at this particular place of hope was informed and shaped by other things he said to them in the chapter. Five important relational geometry elements were mentioned as the basis for the hope of enlarged influence. They are among the clean lines and clear angles we humans need for geometrical resonance---

1. Relational geometry is an admixture of meekness and boldness.

Paul appealed to the Corinthians in the meekness and gentleness of Christ that

they would receive him in such manner (see verse 1) But, he reminded them

that he would respond boldly to those who accused him of living according to

the flesh. It's a simple but profound truth: the meekness and gentleness of

Christ should be the soft, clear lines and angles of relational geometry and

growing influence. But, enlarged influence requires adherence to truth, and

that demands boldness at times (see verses 2-6).

2. Relational geometry is more than physical attributes and proximity.

Evidently Paul was older at the time, worn by the rigors of missionary travel and

persecution, and very humble in appearance. Surprisingly to me, he also must

not have possessed great oratory skills at the time (see verse 10 for both). He

admitted weakness in both physical presence and speaking ability. But, he

mentioned being consistent in the message whether written or spoken. His

influence was beyond all the outer appearance veneer. This reminds me of what

God told Samuel when he was dispatched to find a King for Israel:

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of

his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man

looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7, ESV

3. Relational geometry is not about comparison with others.

Paul's critics found fault with him but commended themselves. So, in verse 12

he established a powerful standard for relational geometry. Human

relationships aren't plotted or drawn in neat geometric patterns with clean

lines and clear angles. They're often a mess. Personal comparison makes them

more so. So, our influence shouldn't be a comparative with other humans. Paul

added that people who compare are "without understanding" (see verse 12).

4. Relational geometry isn't a contest.

Well, most politicians will argue this point because their influence is either

validated or negated at the voting booth. But, relational geometry isn't a

contest for the souls and minds of followers. Each of us has been given a

sphere of influence, a circle, if you will. We are responsible and accountable

only for that entrusted to us. Paul didn't desire to infringe or capitalize on what

others had accomplished.

5. Greater influence should be our hope.

Paul hoped that as the Corinthians faith increased, his influence among them

would be greatly enlarged (see verse 15). Of course the object is the growth of

their faith and not the size of his influence. In the background was his further

hope to develop them spiritually to the point that he could move beyond

them to other lands of influence. It was his hope, for them, and for himself.

You and I have been sent to influence a perplexing world. How's it going? What is your imprint on the people in those concentric circles that surround your life? Are you being faithful? Are you ready for your circle of influence to be enlarged? These are critical and complicated times. The lines are vague, often gray, and the angles are twisted and distorted. And, here we are, his mathetes, disciples, to bring the clarity of his influence to the world around us.


Copyright: <a href=''>kentoh / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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Writer's picturesonnyholmes

Copyright: <a href=''>christianchan / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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Writer's picturesonnyholmes

They are common words in our passionate world: let it go! We all know the deal when those words flash across our screen. Our preferences and biases, likes and dislikes, dreams and aspirations, disappointments and frustrations, and responses to the good and bad of the world around us create tremors of emotion when there's contention. All too often they burst into hot flashes of anger, especially in the social media outlets where we can vent in solitude. Fearful of destructive and critical reactions we often advise each other to let it go, move on, or step back, ways to fughedaboudit. It's not always such a troubling decision, to move beyond a controversial position. Shoot, sometimes we should just look the other way rather than stir further human conflict. Overlooking an offense is is a virtue if you're reading Solomon (see Proverbs 19:11). There are times, however, when we must cling to the values and beliefs that guide us. In Scripture, it is learning the discipline to hold fast. You know, the equally familiar idiom of getting a grip.

It's a contentious world. We humans are good at drawing lines, establishing boundaries, developing our case, stating our position. We rant these things to the man or woman in the mirror with impunity. And, we'll argue about anything these days---wear a mask or not? Supporting BLM, kneeling during the National Anthem, having a chip implanted, public school or private, reparations, candidates for election, mail in ballots, what to name our favorite pancake syrup, the mascot to the Washington NFL team, even whose french fries are best?????????? Lay out the facts, punctuate the language, get it said. Or, just walk away. Such inconsequential things don't always deserve a rant. Let it go! That's another game of the times too, what matters and what doesn't. Silencing people of faith is the new censorship.

Ramp it up. The topics aren't always so purposefully insignificant or minor. There's some pretty heavy stuff on the grapevine these days, certainly more noteworthy than pancake syrup. The reach of government, personal autonomy in health decisions, secularism on the rise, the new normals in education, the suddenly aggressive Marxist ideology, and so many more national agenda items are perplexing and threatening. The real sad thing is the relative silence of the Christian world. Of course, there are a few visible spokesmen and women, the personalities of faith who speak a word on occasion. But, good old pew people, beyond a word across the back fence, simply let it go. Some of them will speak in a voting booth on November 3, 2020. In 2016, almost forty percent of our citizens stayed home.

To hold fast is a Christian discipline. It is a translation of a descriptive term meaning to hold your position or keep yourself focused. Many older translations render the term to cleave to something or cling. It is, however, a more dynamic term, portraying a since of fixation far beyond the grasp of arms or hands. Use in the New Testament depicts an unswerving commitment to an idea or principle. Meaning, we should hold fast to our values or beliefs in a world of changing ideals. They should be lived boldly and visibly. These values should be the light that shines and the salt that seasons.

Jesus taught his followers the parable of the seed, perhaps more appropriately the parable of the soil. In this parable, the seed, the Word of God, was sown on four soils: the path, the rocks, the thorns, and the good soil. In summary, he concluded that,

As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the Word of God, hold it fast in

an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.

Luke 8: 15, ESV

The instruction is to hold fast to the Word of God in order to bear fruit in this crazy, mixed-up world. This is how Christian influence shines, seasons, and touches the world around us. Believing Scripture, yielding to the precepts of faith, and living the Christian life is central to our assignment to be light and salt in this world. It happens effectively, that is, in a fruit producing way, when we hold fast the Word of God. We don't waver, let it go, move on, step back, or get a life. We hold fast.

Fughedaboutit? Not hardly.

Copyright: <a href=''>christianchan / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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